Arise Nigeria Liaison, Sr Theresa Ani, summarises the Nigeria network activities on the 30th July:
The strength and usefulness of one broomstick lies in being tied together with other straws. A single straw can be broken easily but the straws tied together are difficult to break. One straw cannot sweep, but straws tied together sweep very well.

Indeed together, we are stronger. The power of networking came to play as many congregations came out and participated in different ways to mark the World Day Against Trafficking in Persons (30th July).

Reflecting on the activities, a local sweeping broom comes to mind as an apt symbol. The strength of unity and togetherness manifested so much as groups of Sisters, very much supported by our various Congregations, took to the streets, churches, and markets in collaboration with Government agencies.
The steering power of Arise Foundation boosted this enormous all-around movement in different parts of Nigeria, against human trafficking among Catholic Sisters in Nigeria. We appreciate all that they are doing to make us be a strong network in the fight against Human Trafficking.