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Albania Network: Flash Mob For Trafficking Awareness

On the 20th of October, as part of Anti-Trafficking Month, Arise Albania organised a flash mob to raise awareness of human trafficking.

Watch the video below:

Arise Albania Coordinator, Anxhela Bruci, summarised the event:

'Youth across different communities joined forces to raise awareness in the framework of the anti-trafficking month. They wanted to highlight the trafficking risks that exist from the use of social media, aiming to increase the understanding of local communities about human trafficking. 'Art, choreography and painting acted as a strong awareness tool to attract the attention of local people passing by in the populated streets of Tirana. The performance was a reminder to the spectators that nobody is immune from human trafficking, and that the risks increase when we enter virtual worlds.

'The goal was, and continues to be, the growth of public awareness about the prevention and fight against human trafficking.

'This activity was organised in collaboration with the network of anti-trafficking organisations in Albania, and with the support of Arise, aiming to bring more light into human trafficking in the framework of October, which is the Anti-Trafficking Month in Albania.'

Above: Photos from the event, held on the 20th of October in Tirana, Albania.

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